Thursday, October 19, 2006

First Blog

Wow! So here I am in the web logosphere. I guess I should start with a description of the blog name- FUAFI

This acronym was taken from the The Last Battle - the book that concludes the Chronicles of Narnia, by C.S. Lewis.

There is a phrase that is used near the end of the book, as the procession is moving toward the center of Narnia. "Farther up and farther in," was the echo heard as the throng found everything progressively better as they reached the center- Aslan the King.

Some friends of Narnia have come up with this "word" to encourage each other o go farther- to get closer. Things are better farther up and farther in. Look down the road. School will be out soon. The holidays will be here. Only they will not end. Once the school of life lets out, the holidays proceeding will be eternal.